Tim, a hero
This page is about our son Tim
Tim ' s congenital hydrocephalus
was detected when I was 38weeks pregnant.
Doctors“saw” that he was“without brain ” since the brain tissue
was only 1millimeter in some places
Tim was born with sectio
he had a head size on 49cm, but with BRAIN
Just after the childbirth,doctors detected also
that his food throat lacked conjunction
with the stomach=oesophageal atresi
He has now also
“diagnosed letter complex of problem”
as AD/HD with features of autism,
as a part of hydrocefalusdiagnosen
Despite Tim ' s tough start, has he
with stubbornness fought itself forward.
He was 2 years when he had the energy to balance the head
3 years when he could sit alone
4 is when he learnt to go without aids
5 years when he started to speak in sentences.
When he fulfilled 9 years, 2001
he at last begunto feel appetite on food.
At the age 10 years' it's enough most often with night napkin
At the age of 11 years he began to "tell"
i e puton words for feelings and reflections.
He has still little balance problems,
can only read and type little, but is proficient verbalt.
Tim ' s big interests are tubes, links and all other technical.
He likes computer game as; Mulle Meck, Zoo Tycoon
We wait with excitement on next stage in the development…
He has had meagre (Mic Key) for food
approximately 2 years, this was when he where approximately 2 - 4 years
There exists hardly 1000 persons in life in Sweden,
born with osophageal atresi.
Tim went in common school as integrated
specialstudent, with assistant to the autumn 2002.
The spring term 2003 he began in special school
This was little about Tim and his start in the life,
more comes ......