Mitä on oesofagusatresia? Ruokatorvesta voi puuttua yhteys vatsalaukkuun (atresia) ja/tai se voi olla yhteydessä henkitorveen.
Surgery must be performed soon after birth so that the child may take in food and not suffer any of the potential complications of the untreated TOF/OA condition. The procedure is best performed in a specialist referral centre. The incision site for surgery is just behind and below the armpit. There are two main stages of the operation (as shown left). First the surgeon must close off the fistula, then proceed to join the two ends of the oesophagus. The join is called an 'anastomosis.' A transanastomotic tube is often left passing into the stomach for a few days. Teksti ja kuvat täältä* TOFS |
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